
MissAdventure 10: Dating 101

Yeah... so I missed that one. Perhaps the title should be How Not to Date 101? Assholes 101? Avoidant and Cannot Accept Responsibility 101? Or maybe it was just this second rebound Alberta boy (oh god is this a pattern spanning countries?). It all started on a 22 C day, cloudy with sun appearing at 2:30 pm in the afternoon. And yes that is relevant. After a month of texting which should've been the major tip-off. Honestly the Hinge profile was riddled with red flags, but of course the only one I saw was the one with the maple leaf. Blinded by love for my country and the white pants on the first date that I should have run away from, fast! This tale begins with the best first date a wild, spirited, twenty-something could ever hope for and ends with, well, not sure. That is TBD. The halftime show does involve being uninvited from a Halloween party because we "need time to adjust" (??). I'm sorry, WHUT? Only to find out that I was uninvited to be replaced by a horse girl

MissAdventure 9: A Birthday Like No Other

What would a birthday be without hitting rock bottom? Missing a ferry, a dead car battery and epic meltdowns surrounded by stunning views. Only Miss Adventure can manage that.

MissAdventure 8: Ladders and Mostly Snakes

Where do I begin.  It's been a time. Finally something I can't joke about. Having your dreams crushed and being called a liar by someone you care about so deeply is devastating. And if you ever read this I hope you realize what you did to me. But I am not who you said I was. You forgot me. You manipulated me. You put me down in your darkest moments to make yourself feel greater because of your own insecurities. And I never spoke ill of you. I never told you what I really thought.

MissAdventure 7: Journey to the Emerald City

Lions and tigers and bears, oh my! COMING SOON...

MissAdventure 6: Return to the Sauna (Steam Room?)

Hi friends! This one wasn't an adventure after all, but a tale of learning and growth. How I chose to look at the world differently and became better for it. My goodness, am I maturing? Well maybe the lack of adventure isn't entirely true -- I am Miss Adventure of course! My adventure started to the north and with the threat of a storm after a window of calm. My car, still adorned with Texas plates, of course did not have snow tires and was not equipped to make the trek to the Empire State, but I figured I didn't have much of a choice. I set off on a bright, sunny and beautiful Saturday morning after packing furiously the night before. Coming soon... Hitting Maine and realizing your wiper fluid has frozen, served with a side of sketch car transport and a knight in shining armour. Did I mention the Texas freeze?

MissAdventure 5: International COVID Escape

Now you can't think I DIDN'T do something covid crazy? What would a MissAdventure installment be without me doing something crazy, only to run back and undo everything a few months later to avoid breaking any serious rule (oops). Well you are in for a treat. This one involves being kicked out of a hotel for doing nothing wrong. Wish I could say I trashed the place like a rockstar but maybe next time. COMING SOON...